'Cause it's nifty to have them all in one place, ain't it?

Almost every month a new startup launches and new technology is introduced. The internet universe is always changing. Now, how does it impact you and your business? Well, in an age where social media has become an integral part of how we market our products and services online, we have to stay updated to remain relevant. You have to be sure to continually employ best practices. For example, researchers found out that color increases motivation to read content by 80%, so it is then imperative that marketing and social media contents be paired with images that reinforce information retention. In fact, Facebook posts that included images earned 87% of all engagements. This is an important piece of information all small businesses must take advantage of.

To help you accelerate your online success, we compiled this year's newest and most updated sizes of social media images.

social media images cheat sheet for 2016

If you like this infographic, go ahead and share it with a friend.

View User Profile for Crista McCandless Crista is a self-proclaimed geek who loves fiction, data analysis, growth hacking and everything Tolkien. At Fast Track, she helps businesses identify areas to improve and grow online with her ninja moves. She manages the digital strategy, including online marketing and search engine optimization. Follow her musings about world domination in Twitter as @crista_mcc.
Posted by Crista McCandless Wednesday, May 25, 2016 4:31:00 PM Categories: social media social media marketing web trends